Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ-
312 |
Dual-Axis Tracking Electrical Drives for Solar Power Tower
W. M. Hamanah(1), A. Salem(1), M. A. Abido(1,2), T. G. Habetler(3), A.M.
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University for Petroleum and
Minerals, Dhahran. KSA
2. K.A.CARE Energy Research & Innovation Center (ERIC), King Fahd
University for Petroleum and Minerals. KSA
3. School ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta. USA |
314 |
Fuses in distribution systems: new applications in DC circuits
J. C. Gómez, D. Toum, C. Reineri, F. Romero
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IPSEP, Rio Cuarto
National University, Córdoba. Argentina |
316 |
Convolutional Neural Network for Wind Turbine Failure Classification Based on SCADA Data
B. Puruncajas(1,2), W. Alava(1), Encalada Dávila(1) C. Tutivén(1,2), Y.
1. Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Production
Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil. Ecuador
2. Control, Modeling, Identification and Applications Department of Mathematics
Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
3. Institute of Mathematics (IMTech) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona. Spain |
317 |
Design of a LLC Resonant Converter for Powering a PEM Electrolyzer
G. Vitale(1), F. Castaldi(2), D. Guilbert(3)
1. ICAR, Institute for high performance computing and networking, National
Research Council of Italy, Palermo. Italy
2. Department ofEngineering, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo. Italy
3. Université de Lorraine, GREEN,Nancy. France |
318 |
Shared PV Production in Energy Communities and Buildings Context
Sérgio Ramos, Zabra Foroozandeh, João Soares, Inés Tavares, Pedro
Faria, Zita Vale
GECAD - Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for
Advanced Innovation and Development, Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP),
Portugal |
320 |
Intelligent Resource Management in the context of a Microgrid of Smart Buildings
Sérgio Ramos, João Soares, Zahra Foroozandeh, Inés Tavares, António
GECAD - Research Group on lntelligent Engineering and Computing for
Advanced Innovation and Development Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP). Portugal |
321 |
The contribution of experimental energy facilities to the achievement of SDG in their environment: the case of IFMIF-DONES
Rafael Esteban López(1), Zaida Troya(1), Virginia Fernández-Pérez(1,2),
Antonio Peña-García(3)
1.“DONES Preparatory Phase” (CE Ref. 870186) Project Vicerrectorate of
Research - University of Granada. Spain
2. Dpt. Business Organisation, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of
Granada. Spain
3. Department of Civil Engineering & Co-PI UGR “DONES Preparatory Phase”
(CE Ref. 870186) University of Granada. Spain |
322 |
Detection of the initial region of the current transformer core saturation
l. Odinaev, Andrew V. Pazderin, Pavel. V. Murzin, Valeriy A. Tashchilin,
Vladislav O. Samoylenko, B. Ghoziev
Department of Automated Electrical Systems, Ural Federal University
Yekaterinburg. Russia |
323 |
Protection of Power Semiconductors in Inverters, using Fuses and their Coordination with the Protection Schemes of the Distribution System
J. C. Gómez, J. Vaschetti, M. Piumetto, J. Arcurio, C. Coyos
Department of Electricity. CIDTIEE, Technological National University.
Argentina |
325 |
Wind Turbine Multi-Fault Detection based on SCADA data via an AutoEncoder
Á. Encalada-Dávila(1), C.Tutivén(1), B. Puruncajas(1), Y. Vidal(2,3)
1. Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Production
Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil. Ecuador
2. Control, Modeling, Identification and Applications, Department of Mathematics
Escala d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
3. Institut de Matemàtiques de la UPC - BarcelonaTech, IMTech. Spain |
327 |
Three-phase Quaternion Power in Three-wire Systems
André S. F. Komeno, Anésio L. F. Filho, João Y. Ishihara, Victor P. Brasil
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Brasilia. Brazil |
329 |
Distribution Grid Future Planning Under Uncertainty Conditions
V. Samoylenko(1), A. Firsov(1), A. Pazderin(1), P. Ilyushin(2)
1. Department of Automated Electrical Systems, Ural Federal University
Yekaterinburg. Russia
2. Energy Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Russia |
330 |
Airfoil optimization for small horizontal axis wind turbine
Cristhian Leonardo Pabón Rojas(1), Carlos Andrés Trujillo Suarez(1),
Juan Carlos Serrano Rico(2), Elkin Gregorio Flórez Serrano(2)
1. Mechanical Engineering Program, Engineering Faculty, Universidad de
Antioquia. Colombia
2. Mechanical Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia |
332 |
Techno-economic assessment of the use of Linear Fresnel Solar Collectors for the supply of heat in traditional fruits and vegetable processing industries in Almeria's province
JD. Gil(1,2,3), JA. Romero Ramos(3), M. Pérez García(1,2,3),
M. Martínez Molina(1,2,3), J. Ropero(3), A. Rodríguez(3)
1. CIESOL Research Center on Solar Energy, joint center UAL-CIEMAT.
2. Automatic Control, Robotics and Mechatronics group. University of Almería
3. School of Engineering. University of Almería. Spain |
333 |
Power Quality Impacts of PV Systems Integration on Petroleum
Development Ornan (PDO) - Mina Al-Fahal (MAF)
Distribution Network
Faiza Al-Harthi(1), Mohammed Albadi(1), Rashid Al-Abri(1,2), Abdullah Al-
1. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
2. Sustainable Energy Research Center
Sultan Qaboos University,Muscat. Oman |
Permanent Closed-Loop Operation as a Measure for Improving Power Supply Reliability in a Rural Medium Voltage Distribution Network
G. Štumberger(1), M. Rošer(2), B. Polajžer(1)
1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Maribor. Slovenia
2. Elektro Celja d.d. Celje. Slovania |
337 |
Automatic Detection of Voltage Notches using a Support Vector Machine
Rongzhen Qi, Olga Zyabkina, Daniel Agudelo Martinez, Jan Meyer
Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
Technische Universitiit Dresden. Germany |
339 |
Wind Energy Education through Low-Power Wind Turbines and Advanced Software Tools
R. Baños(1), A. Alcayde(1), F.G. Montoya(1), F.M. Arrabal-Campos(1), A.J.
1. Department of Engineering. E.S.I., University of Almería. Spain
2. HOP Ubiquitous SL. Murcia. Spain |
340 |
Impact on the Spanish electricity network due to the massive incorporation of electric vehicles
Francisco M. Arrabal-Campos, Juan Martínez-Lao, Francisco G. Montoya,
Alfredo Alcayde, Raúl Baños
Department of Engineering, E.S.I., University of Almeria. Spain |
341 |
Robust-PCA Deep Learning for PQ disturbances classification using Synchrosqueezing Wavelet Transform
Francisco M. Arrabal-Campos, Alfredo Alcayde, Francisco G. Montoya,
Juan Martínez-Lao, Javier Castillo-Martínez, Raúl Baños
Department of Engineering, E.S.I., University of Almeria. Spain |
343 |
Comparative study of photovoltaic self-consumption alternatives considering the Spanish legal framework
S. de la Torre(1), J. Á. Lagos(2)
1. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Málaga. Spain
2 .Departamento de Innovación, Iberdrola S.A. Spain |
344 |
Fast frequency oscillations detection in low inertia power systems with excessive demand-side response for frequency regulation
Leo Casasola-Aignesberger, Sergio Martinez
Department of Electrical Engineering, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros
Industriales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain |
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