Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ-
282 |
Software for calculating the optimum tilt angle of PV modules in different latitudes of the Southern hemisphere and solar plant sizing
Matheus M. Cabral, Sofia. A. Lemes, Marcelo E. de Oliveira, Paulo H. A.
Silva e Silva, Ghunter P. Viajante
Núcleo de Psquisas em Sistemas de Energia - NuPSE Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Goiás – IFG. Itumbiara, Goiás. Brazil |
283 |
Impacts of Photovoltaic Systems on a Brazilian Distribution Feeder using OpenDSS
Eduardo Mateus Costa Santos de Oliveira, Marcelo Escobar de Oliveira,
Luis Gustavo Wesz da Silva
Núcleo de Pesquisas em Sistemas de Energia - NuPSE Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Goias - IFG .Itumbiara – Goias .Brazil |
284 |
Power Quality Improvements in Grid-Connected PV System Using Hybrid Technology
Prasad Kumar Bandahalli Mallappa, Herminio Martínez-García, Guillermo
Department of Electronic Engineering Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est
(EEBE), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)-BarcelonaTech. Spain |
286 |
Modelling of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and its Control Circuit in Simulink Environment
Mihály Katona, Péter Kiss
Department of Electric Power Engineering Budapest University of Technology
and Economics Budapest. Hungary |
287 |
Heatsinks to Cool Batteries for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
J. Galvão(1,2), P. Faria,(3,5), A. Mateus(4,5), T. Pereira(4), S. Fernandes(6)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering/ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria. Portugal
2. R&D Unit, Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers /INESCCoimbra.
3. Departments of Mathematics/ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria. Portugal
4. Department of Mechanical Engineering/ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria. Portugal
5. Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP) of the
Polytechnic of Leiria. Portugal
6. TEKEVER/Autonomous Systems. Portugal |
288 |
New PV Metrology for performance appraisal of Poly-Silicon PV Modules in Eastern Indian climatic Zone
Debasish Majumdar(1), Sudipta Basu Pal (2), Rajiv Ganguly(1)
1. University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata. India
2. Computer Science Engineering Departments, University of
Engineering & Management , Kolkata. India |
290 |
SCADA Data-Driven Wind Turbine Main Bearing Fault Prognosis Based on One-Class Support Vector Machines
A. Insuasty(1), C. Tutivén(2,3,4), Y. Vidal(4,5)
1. Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering Universidad de Nariño.
2. Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Production
Science Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, Guayaquil. Ecuador
3. Universidad ECOTEC Guayaquil. Ecuador
4. Control, Modeling, Identification and Applications Department of Mathematics
Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona. Spain
5. Institute of Mathematics (IMTech) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona. Spain |
291 |
Neural Network Control of Green Energy Vehicles with Blended Braking Systems
V. Vodovozov(1), E. Petlenkov(2), A. Aksjonov(1), Z. Raud(1)
1. Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics
2. Department of Computer Systems Tallinn University of Technology. Estonia |
292 |
A comparative study of model fitting for estimating the overall efficiency of grid-connected photovoltaic inverters
J. Ramos-Teodoro(1) , F. Rodríguez(1) , M. Pérez(2), M. Berenguel(1)
1. Department of Informatics
2. Department of Chemistry and Physics CIESOL-ceiA3, University of Almería.
Spain |
293 |
Understanding Power Quality using IoT-based Smart Analyzers and Advanced Software Tools
A. Alcayde(1), F.G. Montoya(1), F.M. Arrabal-Campos(1), Jesús
González(2), Andrés Ortiz(3), R. Baños(1)
1. Department of Engineering E.S.I., University of Almería. Spain
2. Department of Computer Architecture and Technology E.T.S.I.I., University of
Granada. Spain
3. Department of Signal Theory, Networking and Communications, E.T.S.I.T.,
University of Malaga. Spain |
295 |
Adaptive Notch Filter based WECS for Unbalance Mitigation
M.K. Abbas, M. Mokhtar, M.I. Marei, A.A.El-Sattar
Department of Electrical Power and Machines. Faculty of Engineering Ain
Shams Universty, Cairo. Egypt |
296 |
Design Overview of a Toroidal Fast-Field Cycling electromagnet
Joao T. Cunha(1), Pedro J. Sebastiao(1), António Roque(2,3), Vitor Vaz
da Silva(4,5), Duarte M. Sousa(6)
1. CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico , Lisboa. Portugal
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. ESTSetúbal/ Insituto Politécnico de
Setúbal. Portugal
3. INESC-ID. Portugal
4. ADEETC-ISEL, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Portugal
5. CTS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal
6. DEEC, AC Energia, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
Portugal |
297 |
A Brief Introduction in the Mitigation of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference lssues
M. Buzdugan
Department of Buildings Engineering, Technical University ofCluj-Napoca.
Romania |
298 |
Study of the second-generation of CdTe and CIGS thin film PV modules under natural sunlight conditions
K. Dyndal, J. Sanetra, K. Marszalek
Institute of Electronics, Faculty ofComputer Science, Electronics and
Telecommunications. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków.
Poland |
299 |
Micromorph and polymorphous solar panel in a warm temperature transitional climate - comparison of outdoor performance and simulations
G. Lewhíska, K. Dyndal, J. Sanetra, K.W. Marszalek
AGH University of Science and Technology, Institute of Electronics, Krakow.
Poland |
302 |
Performance evaluation of high-lift hydrofoils with a flap used in the design of horizontal-axis hydrokinetic turbines
Rubio-Clemente A(1,2), Aguilar J(2), Chica E(2)
1. Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Medellín. Colombia
2. Grupo de Investigación Energía Alternativa, Facultad de Ingeniería,
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. Colombia |
303 |
Modelling of Stator Coil-To-Ground Faults in lnduction Motor
Stanislav Kocman, Pavel Pecínka
Department of General Electrical Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of
Ostrava Czech Republic |
304 |
Loss Analysis Due to Influence of Harmonics in a Distribution System
R.M. Soares, M. E. Oliveira, M. A. A. Freitas, G.P. Viajante, E. N. Chaves
Núcleo de Pesquisas em Sistemas de Energia - NUPSE
IFG, Instituto Federal de Goiás. Brazil |
305 |
Analysis of an automotive thermoelectric generator coupled to an electric exhaust heater to reduce NOx emissions in a Diesel-powered Euro VI Heavy Duty vehicle
A. Massaguer(1), E. Massaguer(1), J. Ximinis(1), T. Pujol(1) M. Comamala(1), L. Montoro, J.R. González, P. Fernández-Yañez(2), O. Armas(2)
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Construction. E.P.S.,
Universitat de Girona. Spain
2. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Campus de Excelencia Internacional en
Energía y Medioambiente. Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial y Aeroespacial de
Toledo. Spain |
307 |
Unfavourable Reactive Power in a Rolling Mill
Stanislav Nowak, Stanislav Kocman
Department of General Electrical Engineering
VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava. Czech Republic |
308 |
Application of a central composite face-centered design in the optimization of an Archimedean hydrokinetic turbine
J. Betancour(1), L. Velásquez(1), L.Y. Jaramillo(2), E. Chica(1), A. Rubio-
1. Grupo de Investigación Energía Alternativa, Facultad de Ingeniería,
Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia
2. Facultad de Ingeniería, Tecnológico de Antioquia-Institución Universitaria
TdeA Medellín. Colombia |
309 |
The behaviour of a low voltage distribution network with crescent presence of photovoltaic generation and energy storage elements
Rafael Martins Leite, Jonas Villela de Souza, Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada,
Mário Oleskovicz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sao Carlos Engineering
School, University of Sao Paulo. Brazil |
310 |
Reducing the carbon footprint of Whisky production through the use of electricity and heat storage alongside renewable generation
W.-G. Früh(1), Jamie Hillis(2), Sandy Gataora(2), Dawn Maskell(3)
1. Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, School of
Engineering & Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton,
Edinburgh, Scotland. United Kingdom
2. Sunamp Ltd
3. International Centre for Brewing & Distilling, School of Engineering & Physical
Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh. United Kingdom |
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