Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality -ICREPQ-
Papers ICREPQ'05
ISBN: 84-609-3234-6
204 Household Energy
Consumption at an Open Market.
D..M. Larruskain Eskobal, O. Abarrategui Ranero, E. Loroño Apraiz,
M.D. Gutiérrez Ochoa de Alda, F. De la Bodega Bilbao.
University of the Basque Country. Spain.
205 Transients in a Wind-mill
Driven, Two-speed, Squirrel-cage Induction Generator.
Jan Rusek.
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow. Poland.
208 Reduction of Flicker Effect
in Power Plants with Doubly Fed Machines.
J. Bendl, M. Chomat and L. Schreier.
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Academy of Sciences, Prague,Czech
210 Connection of Shunt Active
Power Filters in Multibus Industrial Power Systems for Harmonic Voltage
J. Tlusty, V. Valouch.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Institute of Electrical Engineering,
Prague, Czech Republic.
212 Experimental Behaviour
of a Magnetic Field Shield for an Underground Power Line.
J. R. Riba Ruiz, X. Alabern Morera.
Department d'Enginyeria Eléctrica, UPC, Spain
214 A New Configuration
for Uninterrupted Power in Isolated Locations: Wind Turbine - Electric
Generator - Battery Bank (WT-UPS).
H. Fernández, A. Martínez, V. Guzmán, M. Giménez
Universidad Nacional Experimental "Antonio José de Sucre",
Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela.
215 Two Aplications for
Power Quality Analysis using the Matlab Wavelet Toolbox.
M.J. González-Redondo, A. Moreno-Muñoz, J.J. González
de la Rosa.
E.P.S. Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
216 Coupled Feedforward
and Feedback Control Strategy of Parallel Hybrid Filter for Harmonic Mitigation.
J. Skamlik, V. Valouch.
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic.
217 An Adaptative Control
for Wind Turbine.
A. Martínez, F. Lescher, J. Yun Zhao.
ERPA, EIGSI La Rochelle, France.
218 Generation and Storage
of Green Hydrogen and its Application for PEM Fuel Cells.
J.J. San Martín Díaz, E. Romero García, J. Zuazua
Ojanguren, D. Romero García, V. Aperribay Maiztegui, J.I. San Martín
Díaz, J.M. Arrieta Albizu, I. Martín Amundarain.
University of the Basque Country, Spain.
219 Generation and Store
of Aeolian Energy in Form of Hydrogen Using Multipole Aeolian Generators.
J.J. San Martín Díaz, D. Romero, E. Romero, J. Zuazua Ojanguren,
V. Aperribay Maiztegui, J.I. San Martín Díaz, J.M. Arrieta
Albizu, I. Martín Amundarain.
University of the Basque Country, Spain.
221 Perfomance Analysis
of Fuel Cells by Modelling.
I. Zamora, J.I. San Martín Díaz, J. Mazón, S. Díaz,
J.J. San Martín Díaz, J.M. Arrieta Albizu, V. Aperribay
University of the Basque Country, Spain.
222 Biodiesel from Castor
Oil: A Promising Fuel for Cold Weather.
C.L. Barajas Forero
Francisco de Paula Santander University, Cucuta, Colombia
223 Electric Energy Monthly
Demand Forecasting by Spectral Analysis.
M.A. Jaramillo, E. González, D. Carmona, J.A. Álvarez.
E.I.I., University of Extremadura, Spain.
225 Neural Network Estimation
of Generator Slot Fields for the Calculation of Radial Field Losses and
Circulating Currents.
E. Schlemmer, B. Streibkl, F. Müller.
VA TECH HYDRO GmbH & Co, Weiz, Austria.
226 Practical Design of a
Load Compensation Active Conditioner.
J. Prieto, P. Salmerón, R.S. Herrera
E.P.S. La Rábida, Huelva University, Spain.
227 Remote Control
System for Transformer with on-Load Tap Changer.
K.J. Sagastabeitia, Z. Aginako, A.J. Mazón, I. Zamora.
University of the Basque Country, Spain.
228 Impact of Wind Energy
Integration in a Distribution Electric Network.
V. Rogez, H. Roisse, V. Autier, X. Guillaud.
LSEE, FSA, Technoparc Futura, L2EP, ENSAM, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
229 Real Time Stochastic
Simulator of the Electric Power Produced by a Photovoltaic Power System.
V. Autier, V. Molcrette, H. Roisse, J-L. Kotny.
L.S.E.E., Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, Béthune,
233 Evaluation of the Energy
Consumption in Mediterranean Islands Hotels: Case Study: The Balearic
Islands Hotels.
A. Moiá-Pol, M. Karagiorcas, D.Coll-Mayor, V.Martínez-Moll,
C. Riba-Romeva.
University of Balearic Islands, Spain.
234 Components of a Political
Energetic Sustentable: Trade of Rights of Emission of Greenhouse Gases
(Board 2003/87/CE), International Mechanisms Based on Projects and Funds
of Carbon.
C. Redondo Gil, A.M. Alonso, L.A. Esquibel, P.Zapico.
University of León, Spain.
235 Dynamic Model for Energy
Predicting in WECS.
D. Silió Salcines, J. Largo Cabrerizo, C. Renedo Estebáñez,
S. Pérez Remesal
University of Cantabria, Spain.
237 Proposal to PV Systems Study.
J. de la Hoz I Casas, O. Boix Aragonés
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
238 Educational Software on
Solar Energy Development.
J. de la Hoz, S. Nieto, A. de Blas, O. Boix
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
240 Improved Injection Current
Controller in Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters.
V.M. Moreno, A. Pigazo
E.T.S.N., University of Cantabria, Spain.
241 Diagnostic Methodology
for the Energy Efficiency Estimation in Small Metal Casting Industries.
S. Gómez Moreno, Y. Ulianov López, C.E. Roncancio Uribe.
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia.
243 Dynamic Modelling
of Micro-Turbine Generation Systems Using Matlab/Simulink.
S.E. Abdollahi, A. Vahedi.
Iran University of science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran.
244 Performance Analysis of
Direct Power Controlled PWM Rectifier under Disturbed AC Line Voltage.
H. Azizi, A. Vahedi.
University of Science & Technology, Iran
245 Comparison of Power
Filter Toppologies for Reducing the Customer-Generated Disturbances Caused
by Non-Linear Loads.
M.I. Milanés, E. Romero, F. Barrero.
University of Extremadura, Spain.
247 Variable Speed Wind
Energy System Based on a Synchronous Generator with a Three Level Inverter.
S. Arnaltes, J.L. Rodríguez-Amenedo, M.C. Pérez.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
248 Voltage Quality Factor
for Networks Supplying Unbalanced Nonlinear Loads.
J.C. Montaño, D. Borrás, M. Castilla, A. López, J.
Gutiérrez, J.C. Bravo.
Spanish Research Council (CSIC), University of Sevilla, Spain.
249 A Hybrid Approach to
Compensate Non-linear Loads in Electrical Power Systems.
J.R. Vázquez, J.L. Flores, P. Salmerón, S.P. Litrán.
EPS, University of Huelva, Spain
250 Fuel Cells for Power Generation
and Organic Waste Treatment on the Island of Mull.
M. Duerr, S. Gair, A. Cruden, J. McDonald, T. Hegarty, M. Chesshire.
Institute for Energy & Environment, University of Strathclyde, Mull
and Iona Community Trust, Greenfinch Ltd, UK.
252 Three-phase Frequency
Measurement under Non-sinusoidal Conditions Using the Static Reference
M. Mañana, A. Ortiz, S. Pérez, C. Renedo, L.I. Eguiluz
University of Cantabria, Spain.
253 Potential Production
of ElectricalEnergy from Forest Biomass in the North of Spain: Cantabria.
S. Pérez, C.J. Renedo, D. Silió, A. Ortiz, M. Mañana.
University of Cantabria, Spain.
254 Cogeneration in a Hospital:
A Case Study.
C.J. Renedo, A. Ortiz, D. Silió, M. Mañana, S. Pérez,
J. Carcedo
University of Cantabria, Spain.
255 Distortion and Unbalance
Assessing Indices Using Commercial Analysers.
P. Salmerón, R.S.Herrera, A. Pérez, J. Prieto.
E.P.S., University of Huelva. Spain.
256 Increasing the Permissive
Opening Time of Circuit Breakers by Using UPFC
E. Gholipour, H. Masaeli, S.Saadate.
Isfahan High Education And Research Institute (IHEARI), Iran . Groupe
de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Electronique de Nancy (GREEN), France.
257 Compensation of Voltage
Unbalance and Current Harmonics with a Series Active Power Filter.
S.P. Litrán, P. Salmerón, J.R. Vázquez, J.L. Flores.
E.P.S., University of Huelva. Spain.
260 A New Tool for Large
Scale Power System Transient Security Assessment.
M. Boudour, A. Hellal.
University of Science & Technology, Algiers, Algeria.
262 Phisical Model of
Disk Type Multipolar Switchboard Generator.
A. Chuchalin, I. Safyannikov, I. Rossamakhin.
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia.
264 Power Reliability Measurement
Through a Very Low Cost Strategy.
J. Delgado, A. Traça de Almeida.
Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Viseo, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
265 Active and Reactive
Power Metering in Non-Sinusoidal Conditions Using Newton Type Algorithm.
V. Terzija, V. Stanojevic, Z. Lazarevic, M. Popov.
ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
268 Optimal Location of
Small Generators in Weak Networks with Optimal Operation.
J.A. Dominguez, J.M. Yusta, A.A. Bayod, J.L. Bernal, M.J. Velilla, J.
Mur, M.A. García, A. Díaz.
University of Zaragoza, Spain. UNEXPO University, Venezuela.
269 Comparison Between
Fuzy Logic and PI Controls in a Speed Scalar Control of an Induction Machine.
J. Martínez García, J.A. Domínguez
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
270 Simulation of a
Hybrid System Wind Turbine-Battery-Ultracapacitor.
H. Bludszuweit, J.M. Fandos, J.A. Domínguez, A. Llombart, J. Sanz.
Universite of Zaragoza, Spain.
271 The Application of
Short-Term Deterministic Wave Prediction to Offshore Electricity Generation.
J.R. Halliday, D.G. Dorrel, A.R. Wood.
University of Glasgow,UK. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New
272 Study of Measurement Errors
in a Current Sensor with Air-Gaps.
A. Usón, J. Letosa, F.J. Arcega, M. Samplón, J.S. Artal.
University of Zaragoza. Spain.
273 Evaluation of Errors
Associated with Crosstalk Magnetic Field using Finite Element Method in
High Electrical Curretn Measurement
M. Samplón, J.S. Artal, J.Letosa, A. Usón, F.J. Arcega
University of Zaragoza. Spain.
274 Influence of External
Currents in Sensors Based on PCB Rogowski Coils.
J.A. Artero, F.J. Arcega.
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
275 Review of the Distributed
Generation Concept: Attempt of Unification.
F. González-Longatt, C. Fortoul.
UNEFA, Maracay. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Venezuela.
276 Load Following Function
of Fuel Cell Plant in Distributed Environment.
F. González-Longatt, A. Hernandez, F. Guillen, C. Fortoul.
UNEFA, Maracay. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Venezuela.
277 Dynamic Performance Implications
of the Power Conditioner Grid-Connected for Photovoltaic Source.
C. Peraza, F. González-Longatt, C. Villanueva.
Instituto Universitario de Tecnología, Valencia, UNEFA, Maracay.
Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela.
278 Voltage Sags in Industrial
G. Alonso Orcajo, J.M. Cano, C.H. Rojas, M.G. Melero, M.F. Cabanas, F.
University of Oviedo, Spain.
279 Software for the Calculation
of Otimization and Technical-Economical Viability for Pumping Stations
with the Integration of Renewable Energies.
E. Sainz, J.F. Sanz, M. Sanz, M. Navarro.
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
280 Contactless Excitation
System for Synchronous Generators.
Do-Hyun Kang, Dae-Hyun Koo, Ion Vadab, P. Curiac.
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Korea. Technical University
of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
284 Energy Management System
for Offshore Wind Farms.
Ch. Eping, J. Stenzel.
Institute of Electrical Power Systems, TU-Darmstadt, Germany.
291 Brushless Doubly-Fed
Asynchronous Generator Model for Variable Speed Wind Generation Systems.
F. Blázquez, C. Beganzones, D. Ramírez.
E.T.S.I.I., Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.
292 Multilevel Convertors
for Distributed Power Generation Systems with DC Voltage Sources.
A. Jan Iwaszkiewicz, B. Jacek Perz.
The Electrotechnical Institute, Gdanks Branch, Poland.
293 Investigation on Brushless
DC Appropriateness to Direct-Drive Generator Wind Turbine.
D. Vizireanu, S. Brisset, P. Brochet, Y. Miler, D. Laloy.
L2EP - Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
295 Definitions for Distributed
Generation : A revision
A.A. Bayod Rújula, J. Mur Amada, J.L. Bernal-Agustín, J.M.
Yusta Loyo, J.A. Domínguez Navarro.
University of Zaragoza, Spain
296 A New Tool for the Optimal
Design of Electrical Cables in Wind Farms
A.A. Bayod Rújula, R. Martínez
University of Zaragoza, Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Spain.
299 Graphical Environment
to Study Reliability of Electric Power Distribution Systems.
J.L. Bernal, R. Dufo, H. Ortiz, J.M. Yusta, J. Contreras, J.A. Dominguez,
C. Monteiro, F. Mendoza.
University of Zaragoza. Spain.
300 Cost Loss Allocation
in Distribution Networks with High Penetration of Distributed Renewable
Generation - A Comparative Study.
P.M. De Oliveira-De Jesús, M.T. Ponce de Leão, J.M. Yusta-Loyo,
H.M. Khodr Universidade do Porto, Portugal. University of Zaragoza. Spain.
Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela.
301 Power Curve Characterization
II. Modelling Using Polynomial Regression.
A. Llombart, S.J. Watson, J.M. Fandos, D. Llombart.
University of Zaragoza, Spain. Loughborough University, UK.
304 Power Curve Characterization
I: Improving the Bin Method.
A. Llombart, S.J. Watson, D. Llombart, J.M. Fandos.
University of Zaragoza, Spain. Loughborough University, UK.
305 A Hybrid Vehicle Configuration
with Zero Emission.
J.M. Andújar Márquez, F. Segura Manzano, M.J. Vasallo Vázquez.
University of Huelva. Spain
306 Active and Reactive
Power Management of Grid Connected Variable Speed Permanent Magnet Generator
Wind Turbine.
A.E. Haniotis, J.A. Katsigiannis, P.S. Georgilakis, A.G. Kladas.
National Technical Univerity of Athens, Technical University of Crete,
307 Power Peak Sources for
Isolated Network.
V. Brslica.
University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic.
309 Wind Turbine Operation
in Power Systems and Grid Connection Requirements.
A. Sudrià, M. Chindris, A. Sumper, G. Gross, F. Ferrer.
Politechnical University of Catalonia. Spain. Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
310 High Power UPS Selection
Methodology and Installation Guideline for High Reliability Power Supply.
A. Sudrià, E. Jaureguialzo, A. Sumper, R. Villafáfila, J.
Politechnical University of Catalonia. Spain.
311 Electric Fault Location
Methods Implemented on an Electric Distribution Network.
M. Vinyoles, J. Meléndez, S. Herraiz, J. Sánchez, M. Castro.
University of Girona, Endesa Distribución, Spain.
312 Hybrid Power Quality Harmonic
R.A. Lima, C.A. Reinieri, F.H. Magnago.
Engineering Faculty, Nacional University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina.
314 Development of Small-Scale
Facilities for Initiating Studies into Sea Wave Energy Generation.
D.G. Dorrell, R. Halliday, S. McLean, P. Miller, F. Santamaria Mosquera.
University of Glasgow, UK.
315 Power Quality as a
Reliability Problem for Electronic Equipment.
A. Victor A. Anunciada, H. Ribero.
Escola Superior de Tecnología, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
316 A New Hybrid Active
Power Filter Topology Enabling Low Voltage Switching Devices and Storage
H.S. Marques, V.A. Anunciada.
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal.
319 A Study for Optimizing
a Stand-Alone Hybrid Photovoltaic-Diesel System to Feed Summer Load.
G. Delvecchio, M. Guerra, C. Lofrumento, F. Neri.
Polytechnic of Bari, University of Bari, ENEA-Experimental Area Monte
Aquilone, Italy.
320 High Speed Monitoring
System for Electrical Equipments.
M. Brojboiu, V. Ivanov, S. Ivanov.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova, Romania.
323 Joint Use of Circuit Models
and Complexor Diagrams in Generator Design.
Ö. Göl, B. Sobhi-Najafabadí.
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
324 And SQP-Based Optimisation
Algorithm for the Derivative Design of Generator.
B. Sobhi-Najafabadí, Ö. Göl,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
326 Effect of Neglecting
Stator Transients in Squirrel Cage Wind Generator Model.
S. Martín, M.P. Comech, S. Borroy, M. García-Gracia.
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
327 Study of the Short-Circuit
Behaviour of Wind Farms.
M.P. Comech, I. Franco, S. Martín, S. Borroy, M. García-Gracia.
University of Zaragoza, Spain.
330 Combined Fourier
and Zero Crossing Technique for Frequency Measurement in Power Networks
in the Presence of Harmonics.
Milenio B. Duric, Zeljko R. Durisic.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia y Montenegro.
333 Assessment of wind-Power
Quality: Implementation of IEC61400-21 Procedures.
A. Morales, X. Robe, J.C. Maun.
Université Libre deBruxelles. Belgium.
334 Synchronizing Renewable
Energy Sources in Distributed Generation Systems.
C. Ramos, A. Martins, A. Cavalho.
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
335 Secondary Load-Frequency
Control for MicroGrids in Islanded Operation.
A. Madureira, C. Moreira, J. Peças Lopes.
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, INESC, Porto, Portugal.
337 Power Quality Impact
of Wind Farms on Domestic and Industrial Facilities.
F. Oliveira, A. Madureira, M. Pérez Donsión.
Politechnica Institute of Leiria, INEXC, Portugal. University of Vigo,