PL1 |
of ENDESA Group in Generation of Electricity with biomass.
Rafael Guinea, Xavier Noguer. Endesa Cogeneración y Renovables (Spain)
PL2 |
Co-firing of Low Rank Coal and Biomass: A
Chance for Biomass Penetration in the Renewables. |
PL3 |
Outlook of the Solar Photovoltaic
Energy in Spain |
PL4 |
Power Quality Problems and New Solutions |
PE1 |
ENERGIES. Preliminary Issues. |
PE2 |
Opportunities for the development
of renewable energy in the EU |
PE3 |
Medium term
Develpment of Renewable Energy |
PE4 |
Impacts Caused by Eolic Energy. |
301 |
Series Compensation for Hydro-Quebec Long
Distribution Lines. R. Wamkeue, N. Kandil, J. East, Y. Boiclair. UQAT, Dept. des Sciencies Appliquées. Canada. |
304 |
Energy Conversion with Doubly Fed Machines. J. Bendl., M. Chomat., L. Schreier. Institute of Electrical Engineering. Czech Republic |
306 |
Comparison of Variable Speed Wind Turbine Control
Strategies. Santiago Arnaltes Gómez. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain. |
307 |
Heat Transfer Modelling in a Circulating Fluidised
Bed Biomass Boiler. Alexandre Aibéo, Carlos Pinho. Instituto de Engenharia Mecánica e Gestao Industrial (INEGI). Portugal. |
308 |
Robust Power System Stabiliser Design Based on m –
Synthesis. M. Bouhamida, M. A. Denaï. University of Science and Technology of Oran. Algeria. |
309 |
A.B. Raju, B. G. Fernandes, Kishore Chatterjee. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. India. |
311 |
The Ocurrence of Faults in LCI Drive Systems and
its Effects on the Power Supply Quality. Adérito N. Alcaso , A. J. Marques Cardoso. Universidade de Coimbra. Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. Portugal. |
312 |
Improvement of transient stability of power systems
by using UPFC. E. Gholipour and S.Saadate. Groupe de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Electronique de Nancy (GREEN). France. |
313 |
Mechanical Stress Behavior Inside Slots of Large
Hydro Generators. Christian Grabner and H. Köfler. Institute of Electrical Machines and Drives. Graz University of Technology. Austria. |
317 |
Voltage Wave Quality in Low Voltage Power
Systems. José M. R. Baptista, Manuel R. Cordeiro, A. Machado e Moura. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Portugal. |
321 |
Schlemmer, Franz Müller. Engineering Manufacturing Electrical (EL) –
Generators, Engineering Development (EL-ED1). VA TECH HYDRO GmbH&Co.
Austria. |
322 |
S. Harrouni and A. Guessoum. Solar Instrumentation & Modeling Group/University of Science and Technology H. Boumediene (USTHB). University of Blida. Algeria.. |
326 |
Development of an Experimental Tool to Measure
Power Quantities. Cristina
Gherasim, Jeroen Van den Keybus, Johan Driesen, Ronnie Belmans. K.U. Leuven –
327 |
Remote Control System for Small Hydro Energy Power
Stations. K. J. Sagastabeitia B., A. J. Mazón Sainz Maza, I. Zamora Belver, Z. Aginako Arri, J. R. Saenz Ruiz. Universidad del País Vasco. Spain. |
328 |
Power Quality Enhancement Using a Unified
Compensator and Switched Filter - Capacitor Compensator. A. M. Sharaf, Pierre Kreidi. The University of New Brunswick. Canada. |
329 |
Neural Network and Daubechies Wavelet in Power
System Protection. A. L. Orille, J. Iglesias Lorenzo and S. Bogarra. E.T.S.I.I.B.,UPC. Spain. |
332 |
Dynamic and Steady State Modelling of the Doubly
Fed Twin Stator Induction Generator With Core Loss. G.
Boardman, J. G. Zhu, Q. P. Ha. Faculty of Engineering. University of
Technology. Sydney. Australia. |
334 |
An Engineering Model for Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane Fuel Cells. T. A. Suker, B. J. Holland, J. G. Zhu. Faculty of Engineering. University of Technology, Sydney. Australia. |
336 |
Electromagnetic Forces in Induction Motor With
Nonsinusoidal Power Supply. M. Roytgarts. Electrosila Stock Company. St-Petersburg. Russia. |
344 |
Analysis of Harmonic Current Propagation in
Industrial Sector in Function of the Load Level. Joao Pedro Trovao, Humberto Jorge. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra. Facultade de Ciencias e Tecnología. Portugal. |
346 |
Development and Test of a Kinetic Accumulator of
Electric Energy for an Hybrid Electrical Vehicle. R. Garrigosa, E. Frias, R. Bosch. E.T.S.E.I.B. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Spain. |
347 |
António P. Martins. Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto – DEEC – ISR. Portugal. |
349 |
Modelling and Simulation Tool for the Analysis of
Electric Power Quality Issues. F. Magnago, C. Reineri, S. Lovera, R. Lima and E.Belenguer. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Argentina. |
351 |
Current Energy Situation in the Basque Country. Idoia Manero Txintxetru, P. Eguia. Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Vitoria – Gasteiz – University of the Basque Country. Spain. |
352 |
A Optimization Technique of Hydrothermal Systems
Using Calculus of Variations. L. Bayón, J.M. Grau, M.M. Ruiz, P.M. Suárez. Oviedo University. Spain. |
355 |
Voltage Sag Source Location in Distribution
Networks. Enrique Belenguer, Claudio Reineri, N. Aparicio and R. Mampel. Universitat Jaume I. Spain. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Argentina. |
356 |
A Study of Product Quality in the Electricity
Network in the Province of Burgos. Jesús Sagredo González, Victoria Abad San Martín, Javier González de la Viuda. Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Burgos. Spain. |
358 |
Catalin Serban Dragu, Ronnie Belmans. K.U. Leuven, ELECTA, Energy Institute. Leuven. Belgium. |
359 |
V. Autier, V. Molcrette, H. Roisse. Faculté des Sciences Appliquées. Université d’ Artois - Béthune. France. |
360 |
Adjustable Speed Hydro Generation. J. R. Wilhelmi, J. Fraile Ardanuy, J.J. Fraile Mora and L. Íñigo. E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain. |
362 |
New Design of Hydrogenerator Poles. Kuchinskaia Z. M. Department of Hydrogenerators, Electrosila. St. Peterburg. Russia. |
363 |
Implementation of a Methodology to Define the
Optimum Capacity of a Wind Farm. Paulo Pinto, Miguel Ferreira, Álvaro Rodrigues. IPB, INEGI, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. Portugal. |
364 |
Adjustable Speed Drives and Power Quality. S. Galceran, M. Teixidó, A.Sumper, J. Casas, J. Sánchez. E.T.S.I.I.B., CITCEA- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. FECSA-ENDESA. Spain. |
365 |
A Motor Facility Energy Program in a Chemical
Industry. L. F. Mantilla Peñalba, M. A. Rodríguez Pozueta, R. Diego García. E.T.S.I.I.T. Universidad de Cantabria. Spain. |
366 |
Manuel Joao D. Gonçalves, Zita A. Vale. Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP)/Institute of Engineering (ISEP)/Departement of Electrical Engineering (DEE). Portugal. |
367 |
G. Alonso Orcajo, J. M. Cano R., C. H. Rojas G., M. G. Melero, M. F. Cabanas. University of Oviedo. Spain. |
368 |
J. M. Cano, G. A. Orcajo, C. H. Rojas, M. G. Melero, M. F. Cabanas. University of Oviedo. Spain. |
369 |
A Control Procedure for Permanent Magnet
Variable-Speed Wind Turbine. A. Haniotis, A. Kladas, J. Tegopoulos. Laboratory of Electrical Machines. Electric Power Division. National Technical University. Greece. |
370 |
3D Vibration and Stress Analysis of Insulators. Damian Mazur, Mariusz Trojnar. Rzeszow University of Technology. Poland. |
371 |
Modelling of Electrical and Mechanical Phenomena in
Induction Motors with Air-Gap Eccentricity. Damian Mazur, Mariusz Trojnar. Rzeszow University of Technology. Poland. |
372 |
A Space Vector Modulation Control Algorithm for
VSI Multi – Level Converters. A. Cataliotti, F. Genduso, G. Ricco Galluzzo.
Università Degli Studi di Palermo. Italy. |
373 |
Switched Reluctance Drives for Electric Vehicle
Applications. Pere Andrada. EUPVG-UPC. Spain. |
375 |
Hansjörg Köfler. Technische Universität Graz. Austria. |
376 |
on Power Quality Measurement of the Simultaneous Presence of Different
Disturbances. Mañana, M; Eguíluz, L. I.; Lavandero, J. C.; Diez, G. University of Cantabria. Spain. |
377 |
Eguíluz, L. I.; Mañana, M.; J. C., Ortiz; Madrazo, A. University of Cantabria. Spain.. |
378 |
Athanassios D. Karlis, Demetrios P. Papadopoulos. Democritos University of Thrace. Greece. |
379 |
A New MatLab Model for Wind Speed Simulation in Wind
Induction Generator Units. José Coto Aladro, Mª. Isabel García Álvarez, Gúzman Díaz González, Javier Gómez-Aleixandre. Universidad de Oviedo. Spain. |
380 |
Uncertainty in Measurements of Power and Energy on
Power Networks. Emil Manov, Nikolay Kolev. Technical University - Sofia. Bulgaria. |
381 |
R. Mayo Bayón, F. Mateos Martín, L. Reina Ortega, B. Fanjul Viña, A. Robles Álvarez, A. M. López Rodríguez. Universidad de Oviedo. Spain. |
382 |
J. A. Güemes., F. Rodríguez, J. M. Ruiz, F. E. Hernando. E.U. Ingeniería Técnica Industrial. University of the Basque Country. Spain. |
383 |
Formalism for Optimizing the Design and Energy Management of a Hybrid
Wind/Photovoltaic System. |
384 |
An Electricity Day-Ahead Market Simulation Model. T. Nogueira, A. Almeida do Vale and Z. Vale,. Institute of Engineering, Polytechnique Institute of Porto. Portugal. |
385 |
Low-Cost Digital System for Power Quality
Monitoring. José Batista, Júlio S. Martins, Joao L. Afonso. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança/Univesidade do Minho. Portugal. |
387 |
Feasibility Study of Using Super Capacitors as
Storage Devices in Photovoltaic Systems. T. Zouaghi, B. Issaoui, A.Schmitt, M.LeBitoux. ENIT, Tunis – Elmanar University. Tunisia. EDF/DRD. France. |
388 |
M. F. Coelho Monteiro, J. A. Dias Pinto, A. C. S. Machado e Moura. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra/Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Portugal. |
389 |
Joris Soens, J. Driesen, R.Belmans. ESAT/ELECTA. K.U. Leuven. Belgium. |
390 |
Cost of Transmission Transactions: Comparison and
Discussion of Used Methods. Judite Ferreira, Zita Vale, A. Almeida Vale, Ricardo Puga. Polytechnic Institute of Porto. University of Porto. Portugal. |
392 |
of Wind Power Limit for a Network Bus. D. García García, M. P. Comech, M. Sanz, J. B. Arroyo, M. García Gracia. University of Zaragoza. Spain. |
393 |
Recycling of Small Electrical Machines and its
Applications for Low Cost Wind Turbines. A. Gálvez, M. Lejárraga, J. S. Artal, A. Usón, F. J. Arcega. University of Zaragoza. Spain. |
394 |
Simulation Results of a Shunt Active Power Filter
with Control Based on p-q Theory. Emílio Ferreira do Couto, Júlio S. Martins, Joao L. Afonso. Universidade do Minho. Portugal. |
395 |
Abstraction of Significant Temporal Features of
Voltage Sags Recorded in a 25kV Substation. David Llanos, Joaquín Meléndez, J. Colomer, J. Mora, J. Corbella and J. Sánchez. University of Girona – UdG/FECSA – Endesa. Spain. |
396 |
A Series Active Filter Controlled by Personal
Computer. M. Joao Sepúlveda Freitas, Joao L. Afonso, Júlio S. Martins. Universidade do Minho. Portugal. |
397 |
Power Systems Restoration Training – a Simulated
Cooperative Approach. A. Silva, Z. Vale, C. Ramos. Porto Polytechnic Institute. Portugal. |
398 |
Dynamic Modelling of Wind Farms: a Comparative Study
Between Two Modelling Approaches. I. Zubia, S.K. Salman, X. Ostolaza, G. Tapia and A. Tapia. University of the Basque Country. Spain. The Robert Gordon University. U.K. |
399 |
Classification of Sags Measured in a Distribution
Substation Using a Fuzzy Tool. J. Mora, J. Meléndez, J. Colomer, D. Llanos, J. Corbella and J. Sánchez. University of Girona. ENDESA. Spain. |
400 |
Diego Botero, Marcos Navarro, Mariano Sanz and José Fco. Sanz Osorio, University of Zaragoza. Spain. |
401 |
Harmonic Distortion in an Steel Plant with
Induction Furnaces. I. Zamora, I. Albizu, A. J. Mazon, K. J. Sagastabeitia, E. Fernandez. University of the Basque Country. Spain. |
402 |
Using Active Filters to Reduce THD in Traction
Systems. I. Zamora, P. Eguia, A. J. Mazón, E. Torres, K. J. Sagastabeitia. University of the Basque Country. Spain. |
403 |
Harmonic Analysis and Power Quality Measurements in Three-Phase Systems. J. C. Montaño, A. López, J. Gutiérrez, M.
Castilla, D. Borrás and J. C. Bravo. Consejo Superior de Inv. Científicas. University of Sevilla. Spain. |
404 |
Statistical Model Distribution of Wind Farms for Power
Flow. Joaquín Mur Amada, Jesús Sallán, Ángel Antonio Bayod. University
of Zaragoza. Spain. |
406 |
Renewable Energy in Portugal - Legislation,
Incentives and Suggestions. M. Fernanda T. Moreira, Júlio S. Martins, Joao L. Afonso. Universidade do Minho. Portugal. |
407 |
Hedging Using Futures and Options Contracts in the
Electricity Market. Filipe Azevedo, Zita A. Vale, António A. Vale. Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Portugal. |
408 |
Power Quality and Air Emission Tests in a Micro
Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant. J. C. Bruno, , Ll. Massagués and A. Coronas. CREVER – Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Spain. |
409 |
Increase of Voltage Stability and Power Limits Using
a Static Var Compensator. Roberto
Alves, Miguel
Montilla, Ernesto Mora. |
411 |
Harmonic Detection By Using Different Artificial
Neural Network Topologies. Juan Luis Flores Garrido, Patricio Salmerón
Revuelta. |
415 |
Jesús Vicente Rodrigo, Rafael Pindado, Inmaculada Martínez Teixidor. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Spain. |
416 |
Home Automation - A Step Towards Better Energy
Management. Renato
Jorge Caleira Nunes. |
417 |
Power Quality Analysis of Wind Turbines. Part I -
Static Analysis. Joaquín Mur Amada, Ángel Antonio Bayod, Samuel Ortiz, Roberto Zapata. University of Zaragoza. Spain. |
418 |
Power Quality Analysis of Wind Turbines. Part II -
Dynamic Analysis Joaquín Mur Amada, Ángel Antonio Bayod, Samuel Ortiz, Roberto Zapata, Jesús Sallán. University of Zaragoza. Spain. |
419 |
Characterization of Wind Farm Energy Production in a
Zone by Artificial Neuronal Networks. Joaquín Mur Amada, Ángel Antonio Bayod. |
423 |
P. Rodríguez, J.I. Candela and R. Pindado. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC). Spain. |
424 |
Investigation of a Hybrid Energy System Including
Wind Generator. Evangelos
C. Tsimplostephanakis, Athanassios N. Safacas. |
426 |
H. Roisse1,G. Peset2, V. Autier1, J. F. Brudny1. 1Laboratoire Systèmes Electrotechniques et Environnement (L.S.E.E.). France. 2Groupe Eolien de l’Université
du Québec à Rimouski. Canada. |
429 |
An Advanced Control
Approach for a Shunt Active Power Filter. M. C. Ben Habib, E. Jacquot, S. Saadate. Groupe de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Electronique de Nancy. France. |
430 |
Topology Optimizaton of Active Power Filters 1Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes, 2Instituto
Politécnico de Tomar, 3Instituto Superior Técnico. Lisboa,
Portugal |
431 |
Switching Signals Generation Technique for
Minimizing the RMS Tracking Error in Active Filters. Fermín Barrero González, Enrique Romero, Mª Isabel Milanés Montero and José Miguel Montero Milanés. University of Extremadura. Spain. |
432 |
Reability of the Forecasting of the Monthly Demand
of Electric Energy with Neural Networks. M. A. Jaramillo, D.Carmona, E. González and J. A. Álvarez. University
of Extremadura. Spain. |
433 |
Multipurpose Synchronised PQ Meters for Isolated
Environments. R. Zapata, S. Ortiz, A. Llombart, J. J. Melero, M.
Sanz. |
434 |
M. Sylos Labini, A. Covitti, G. Delvecchio, N.
Medoro. |
435 |
Renewable Energies, Option of Future. Ramon Mujal-Rosas, Jasmina Casals-Terré, Joaquim Lloberas-Valls. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Spain. |
436 |
A Method for Estimating the Environmental Impact
of a Wind Farm by Fuzzy Logic Techniques. G. Delvecchio. University of Bari. Italy. |
439 |
Magnetic Fields in Multiconductor Systems with
Harmonic Currents. M. Pineda Sánchez, L. Serrano Iribarnegary. |
440 |
Simulation of Power Quality in Residencial
Electricity Networks. D. McQueen1, M. McQueen2, , P. Hyland3,S. Watson1, 1Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Loughborough
University. United Kingdom. 2School of Information Technology and
Electrotechnology. Otago Polytechnic Dunedin, New Zealand. 3AuStral Engineering Associates Limited. New Zealand. |
442 |
Nicolás Louzán Pérez, Manuel Pérez Donsión. |
444 |
Preheating In Pellet
Stoves: Efecc in Energy Balance and Emissions. J.C. Moran, E. Granda, J.Porteiro, J.L. Miguez. |
445 |
Pellet Combustion in
Stove: Perfomance and Emissions Statistical Approach J.C. Moran, E. Granda, J.Porteiro, J.L. Miguez. University of Vigo. Spain. |